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The United States will begin in 2016 for external power adapter to enforce energy efficiency requirements Class VI
The United States will begin in 2016 for external power adapter to enforce energy efficiency requirements Class VI
February 10, 2014, the US Department of Energy (DOE) published a final rule on the external power to propose new energy efficiency requirements. The new regulations apply to all work directly external power supply, including Class A standard power in 2007 and has been covered in previous DOE regulations did not include the power supply, for example,Multiple output external power
- Brand output power greater than 250 watt external power supply
- Part of the primary or in part by a motor-driven product battery charging external power supply

Original link:http://www.regulations.gov/documentDetailD=EERE-2008-BT-STD-0005-0219
Original link:http://www.tuv-sud.cn