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20121015 Safety Information
September 26,2012, the eu "official gazette published about electric light bulb and energy label regulation
(EC) No 874/2012. This regulation is 2010/30 / EU number instruction that is European Union energy label
framework directive supplementary regulations, mainly isto replace 98/11 / EC number instruction, the latter
is household lamps and lanterns conclude a mandatory energy label regulation, only except direction indicator.
This tag system as home not direction indicator light energy consumption condition to provide standardized
material, the product evaluation forenergy efficiency highest A level to the lowest energy efficiency of class G.
This regulation will be in September 1, 2013, implementation.
(EC) No 874/2012. This regulation is 2010/30 / EU number instruction that is European Union energy label
framework directive supplementary regulations, mainly isto replace 98/11 / EC number instruction, the latter
is household lamps and lanterns conclude a mandatory energy label regulation, only except direction indicator.
This tag system as home not direction indicator light energy consumption condition to provide standardized
material, the product evaluation forenergy efficiency highest A level to the lowest energy efficiency of class G.
This regulation will be in September 1, 2013, implementation.