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medical adapters meet ES60601-1 standard
U.S. FDA announced the extension of the conversion process bulletin third edition of
Medical Electrical Code, for Power Supply manufacturer of medical applications affect
UL safety regulations :
Recently the FDA announcement on the site medical regulations ANSI / AAMI ES60601-1,
Amendment 1 (Note 1). The actual date of the mandatory extended from the original January 1,
2014 to August 1, 2016.
The following is the original announcement of the FDA website

FDA website : http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfStandards/detail.cfm?standard__identification_no=32131
(Note 1: The full name of the American Medical version 3.1 of ANSI / AAMI ES60601-1:
2005 / (R) 2012 and A1: 2012, C1: 2009 / (R) 2012 and A2: 2010 / (R) 2012).
Our company produces medical adapters meet ES60601-1 standard, please contact us.
Medical Electrical Code, for Power Supply manufacturer of medical applications affect
UL safety regulations :
Recently the FDA announcement on the site medical regulations ANSI / AAMI ES60601-1,
Amendment 1 (Note 1). The actual date of the mandatory extended from the original January 1,
2014 to August 1, 2016.
The following is the original announcement of the FDA website

FDA website : http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfStandards/detail.cfm?standard__identification_no=32131
(Note 1: The full name of the American Medical version 3.1 of ANSI / AAMI ES60601-1:
2005 / (R) 2012 and A1: 2012, C1: 2009 / (R) 2012 and A2: 2010 / (R) 2012).
Our company produces medical adapters meet ES60601-1 standard, please contact us.