China Post Electrical and electronic products restrict the use of hazardous substances management approach
Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MII) released the first 32 orders "electrical and electronic products restrict the use of hazardous substances management approach" on January 6, 2016, this management approach will be officially implemented from July 1, 2016. At the same time on February 28, 2006 published "Electronic Information Products Pollution Control Regulations" will be synchronized abolished.
The official release of the "Restriction of Hazardous Substances electrical and electronic products management approach", the main amendments are as follows:
(1) The scope of the "electronic information products" expand "electrical and electronic products." "Electrical and electronic products" means work or rely on currents or electromagnetic fields to generate, transmit and measure currents and fields for the purpose of the rated working voltage of up to 1500 volts direct current, no more than 1000 volts alternating current equipment and related products, which involves the production of electricity except, transmission and distribution equipment.
(2) Hazardous substances and an increase of heavy metals following compounds:
Lead (Pb) and its compounds.
Mercury (Hg) and compound.
Cadmium (Cd) and its compounds.
Hexavalent chromium (Cr6 +) and its compounds.
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB).
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).
Other hazardous substances prescribed by the State.
(3)With "compliance management directory" to replace the original "key management directory".
(4) To establish "electrical and electronic products restrict the use of hazardous substances in conformity assessment system" to replace the original "mandatory 3C certification."
The management approach to retain the original "Electronic Information Products Pollution Control Management Measures" provided "environmental protection use period", "name and label hazardous substances content", "packaging material recycling labeling" requirements.
Our company produces adapters meet "Electronic Information Products Pollution Control Regulations", please contact us.