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20120430 Safety Information
1.Recently, the United States to the WTO secretariat released bulletin, entitled: "recognized ASTM
F963-11 as mandatory the consumer products safety standards" (G/TBT/N/USA/684).
In accordance with the provisions of the consumer products safety improvement act (2008),
"a 106, and the United States announced the consumer products safety commission,
accept the revised entitled" about the toy safety standard consumer safety rules of ASTM
F963-11 standards become a mandatory the consumer products safety standards.
The report of the regulations to date and the effective date of approval to for June 12, 2012
2.Audio and video equipment CCC authentication based on the standard GB8898-2011 "audio,
video and similar electronic equipment safety requirements" already on December 30, 2011 release,
and in 2012 will be implemented on 1 November, replace the old standard GB8898-2001.
3.Information technology equipment, telecommunications terminal equipment CCC authentication
based on the standard GB4943.1-2011 "information technology equipment safety part 1:
general requirements" has been in December 30, 2011 release, and in 2012 will be December 1,
implementation, replace the old standard GB4943-2001.