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LED power adapter Current harmonics specification (IEC 61000-3-2)
LED power adapter Current harmonics specification (IEC 61000-3-2)
EN 61000‒3‒2:2006+A1+A2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 3 – 2: Limits —
Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
Scope :
International standard EN 61000‒3‒2:2006+A1+A2 is applicable for electrical equipment
that is supplied from mains network with voltage not less than 220V and current up to 16A
(including) to limit the harmonic component emission.
From the scope of this standard the following equipment are excluded:
Equipment with rated power less than 75W, except class C equipment.
Professional equipment with power >1kW.
Symmetrically controlled heating elements with power ≤200W.
Independent dimmers for incandescent luminaries with power ≤1kW.
Classification :
International standard EN 61000‒3‒2:2006 +A1+A2 have classification of equipment it covers:
Class A:
• Three phase equipment
• Household appliances, except class D equipment
• Stationary, fixed tools
• Dimming equipment intended to be combined with incandescent lamps
• Audio equipment
• Other equipment that is not classified as class B, class C or class D
Class B:
• portable tools
• non-professional arc welding equipment
Class C:
Class D:
Following type equipment with power less than 600W (including):
• Personal computers and similar
• Television receivers
• lighting equipment
Examples :
Class A– frequency converters, cooking appliances, fixed woodworking equipment,
lighting dimmers, audio amplifiers, subwoofers, heaters with regulation.
Class B– drills, electrical hammers, portable mining equipment, non-professional
arc welding equipment.
Class C– LED lighting, LED street lighting and other lighting equipment.
Class D– Personal computers, tablets, laptops, TV.
Requirements :
Conducted emission requirements covered by this standard are up to 40th harmonic.
EN 61000‒3‒2:2006+A1+A2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 3 – 2: Limits —
Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
Scope :
International standard EN 61000‒3‒2:2006+A1+A2 is applicable for electrical equipment
that is supplied from mains network with voltage not less than 220V and current up to 16A
(including) to limit the harmonic component emission.
From the scope of this standard the following equipment are excluded:
Equipment with rated power less than 75W, except class C equipment.
Professional equipment with power >1kW.
Symmetrically controlled heating elements with power ≤200W.
Independent dimmers for incandescent luminaries with power ≤1kW.
Classification :
International standard EN 61000‒3‒2:2006 +A1+A2 have classification of equipment it covers:
Class A:
• Three phase equipment
• Household appliances, except class D equipment
• Stationary, fixed tools
• Dimming equipment intended to be combined with incandescent lamps
• Audio equipment
• Other equipment that is not classified as class B, class C or class D
Class B:
• portable tools
• non-professional arc welding equipment
Class C:
Class D:
Following type equipment with power less than 600W (including):
• Personal computers and similar
• Television receivers
• lighting equipment
Examples :
Class A– frequency converters, cooking appliances, fixed woodworking equipment,
lighting dimmers, audio amplifiers, subwoofers, heaters with regulation.
Class B– drills, electrical hammers, portable mining equipment, non-professional
arc welding equipment.
Class C– LED lighting, LED street lighting and other lighting equipment.
Class D– Personal computers, tablets, laptops, TV.
Requirements :
Conducted emission requirements covered by this standard are up to 40th harmonic.