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20111219 Safety Information
California from January 1, prohibit certain types of lamps containing hazardous substances :
California from January 1, 2012, prohibit the sale or production of high-intensity discharge lamps, and more than 9 in. in length, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).
The reason is that the level of harmful substances in these lamps beyond the EU RoHS Directive
(Directive 2002/95/EC) in the standard.
Hazardous substances under the RoHS Directive covers substances include :
lead (0.1% maximum allowable concentration, MCV), mercury (0.1% MCV), cadmium (0.01% MCV),
hexavalent chromium (0.1% MCV), Polybrominated biphenyl (0.1% MCV), polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(0.1% MCV).