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20130415 Safety Information
In December 2012, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) officially released for the
second version of the battery products international safety standards IEC62133 IEC 62133:2012
(Ed2.0). This standard is mainly for monomer and batteries containing alkaline or acidic electrolyte
and portable sealed single cells and battery packs safety requirements (including lithium batteries,
nickel-metal hydride batteries, nickel cadmium batteries type).
The new version of IEC 62133 Terms of test section is divided into two major sections: the nickel
battery system and a lithium battery system, new mandatory internal short circuit in the test project,
vercharge (pack), the transport test test items as well as the lithium battery design recommendations.
Charging step, continuous low voltage charging test items have been updated.
second version of the battery products international safety standards IEC62133 IEC 62133:2012
(Ed2.0). This standard is mainly for monomer and batteries containing alkaline or acidic electrolyte
and portable sealed single cells and battery packs safety requirements (including lithium batteries,
nickel-metal hydride batteries, nickel cadmium batteries type).
The new version of IEC 62133 Terms of test section is divided into two major sections: the nickel
battery system and a lithium battery system, new mandatory internal short circuit in the test project,
vercharge (pack), the transport test test items as well as the lithium battery design recommendations.
Charging step, continuous low voltage charging test items have been updated.