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20120709 Safety Information
Based on IEC60950-1 the second edition of the Amendment 1 North America UL standard 60950-1
second edition in December 19, 2011 has been published. A version of the time before the cancellation,
from March 1, 2013 to start, the new productcan only use UL 60950-1 second edition on December 19,
2011 edition to evaluate.On March 1, 2013 before, unless the applicant requests, the new product will be
using the UL 60950-1 second edition on December 19, 2011 edition of this assessment.
second edition in December 19, 2011 has been published. A version of the time before the cancellation,
from March 1, 2013 to start, the new productcan only use UL 60950-1 second edition on December 19,
2011 edition to evaluate.On March 1, 2013 before, unless the applicant requests, the new product will be
using the UL 60950-1 second edition on December 19, 2011 edition of this assessment.