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20121001 Safety Information
From 2012/02/15 up, this date you opened case applications GS of cases (apart from new case,
change will made certificate of also is, GS yiwai of certificate not contains zainei, as Bauart or T-mark)
will requirements its factory test of effective date to six months above, if effective date below six months,
is to first block factory seized finished Hou, to made card (such as: factory in one-first factory seized completed,
May end of if has any new of cases, these new cases are can smooth made GS, but June up, Factory inspection
validity period has been less than 6 months, so you must wait until the factory check certification).
change will made certificate of also is, GS yiwai of certificate not contains zainei, as Bauart or T-mark)
will requirements its factory test of effective date to six months above, if effective date below six months,
is to first block factory seized finished Hou, to made card (such as: factory in one-first factory seized completed,
May end of if has any new of cases, these new cases are can smooth made GS, but June up, Factory inspection
validity period has been less than 6 months, so you must wait until the factory check certification).
When GS case opening the case, at the same time to the issuing unit confirmed the effectiveness of
the factory, found only in case when it comes to issuing certificates for a factory issue is unable to issue.
the factory, found only in case when it comes to issuing certificates for a factory issue is unable to issue.
In addition, the factory inspection once a year, in principle, remain unchanged.