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switching adapters meet CB standard
Prior to the establishment of CB architecture, manufacturers need through many different countries testing laboratory for product testing and certification, the formation of difficult and time-consuming process. Therefore, the International Electrotechnical Commission (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC) established the CB framework to reduce barriers to trade certain electrical and electronic products.
CB architecture based on commonly accepted international standards to issue certificates in order to achieve the principle of mutual authentication. Since CB member organizations participating Member States mutually acceptable (also known as the National Certification Unit, NCB) test results, thus also eliminating the trouble of repeated testing.
IECEE full name IEC System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safety of Electrical Equipment was established in the IEC headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and its members upon application by the IEC Member States to endorse the composition of mutual recognition between Member States in accordance with IEC standard tests made by reports, thereby saving the same product can be in different country and different units huge repeat the test to verify the time and expense.
Verification bodies of the Member States are designated as NCB (National Certification Body). All electrical products manufacturer with their wishes or their agents can choose the most appropriate in any country NCB made the first application, made a CB Test Certificate and Report of the countries in the world (non-member countries also), the other countries NCB again when applying verify each single country, may dispense with repeated testing. Not only saves time and cost, must apply separately to States not previously CB certification system, the test fails with exposure also reduced, so-called serve several purposes. It must be noted that, NCB covers countries that can test the standard range and its related products are different, the beginning of the application first queries made clear, in order to avoid wasting time.
CB-Scheme by the verification committee (CCB, Committee of Certification Bodies) responsible for the supervision of recurring business from the Secretariat (CCB Secretariat) execution, while a testing laboratory Committee (CTL, Committee of Testing Laboratories) is responsible for reviewing each designated CB the representative of the laboratory tests to discuss technical issues and testing methods.
CB Test Certification advantages:
When the product is made, "CB Scheme" issued by one of the members' CB Test Certification "and the unit's certification mark after putting up signs and then apply for certification of other" CB Scheme "members only in order to" CB Test Certification "to the proposed registration application unit, the unit will recognize this "CB Test Certification" will no longer perform additional tests. The only difference is that the unit may have a factory inspection requirements specified liability or agents (some certification bodies have this requirement, but if executed by a factory inspection certification bodies, other organizations will also verify that the certification bodies found executed factory test results), the other is the annual fee prescribed different. In addition, the vast majority of the certification body for CE testing requirements and instructions for CB Test Certification testing requirements are almost identical (based on the same product safety standards), that is, when made CB Test Certification, while at the same time obtain CE signs, save a lot of costs.
The certification body will (National Differences), product testing by the certification body in accordance with the appropriate national differences in standards IEC standards, as well as the target country you want to import the product announcement, so most of the applications were without CB additional testing.
Up to now a total of 43 CB Member States (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan , Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Courtenay Novgorod, Singapore, Slovakia, 斯洛法尼亚, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey , Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States). Among these are several important countries, such as Britain, Germany, the U.S., Japan, China, etc. are more than two NCB or accredited laboratory.
Verification bodies of the Member States are designated as NCB (National Certification Body). Countries around the world (non-member States also) of all electrical products manufacturer with their wishes or their agents may choose inspection bodies, certification bodies will assist the applicant to assess the most appropriate and most cost-effective of any country NCB raised when the first application, made a CB certificates and test reports, to raise all other countries apply a single country NCB verification eliminates duplicate testing. Not only saves time and cost, must apply separately to States not previously CB certification system, the test fails with exposure also reduced, so-called serve several purposes. It must be noted that, NCB covers countries that can test the standard range and its related products are different, the beginning of the application first queries made clear, in order to avoid wasting time.
CB architecture based on commonly accepted international standards to issue certificates in order to achieve the principle of mutual authentication. Since CB member organizations participating Member States mutually acceptable (also known as the National Certification Unit, NCB) test results, thus also eliminating the trouble of repeated testing.
IECEE full name IEC System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safety of Electrical Equipment was established in the IEC headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and its members upon application by the IEC Member States to endorse the composition of mutual recognition between Member States in accordance with IEC standard tests made by reports, thereby saving the same product can be in different country and different units huge repeat the test to verify the time and expense.
Verification bodies of the Member States are designated as NCB (National Certification Body). All electrical products manufacturer with their wishes or their agents can choose the most appropriate in any country NCB made the first application, made a CB Test Certificate and Report of the countries in the world (non-member countries also), the other countries NCB again when applying verify each single country, may dispense with repeated testing. Not only saves time and cost, must apply separately to States not previously CB certification system, the test fails with exposure also reduced, so-called serve several purposes. It must be noted that, NCB covers countries that can test the standard range and its related products are different, the beginning of the application first queries made clear, in order to avoid wasting time.
CB-Scheme by the verification committee (CCB, Committee of Certification Bodies) responsible for the supervision of recurring business from the Secretariat (CCB Secretariat) execution, while a testing laboratory Committee (CTL, Committee of Testing Laboratories) is responsible for reviewing each designated CB the representative of the laboratory tests to discuss technical issues and testing methods.
CB Test Certification advantages:
When the product is made, "CB Scheme" issued by one of the members' CB Test Certification "and the unit's certification mark after putting up signs and then apply for certification of other" CB Scheme "members only in order to" CB Test Certification "to the proposed registration application unit, the unit will recognize this "CB Test Certification" will no longer perform additional tests. The only difference is that the unit may have a factory inspection requirements specified liability or agents (some certification bodies have this requirement, but if executed by a factory inspection certification bodies, other organizations will also verify that the certification bodies found executed factory test results), the other is the annual fee prescribed different. In addition, the vast majority of the certification body for CE testing requirements and instructions for CB Test Certification testing requirements are almost identical (based on the same product safety standards), that is, when made CB Test Certification, while at the same time obtain CE signs, save a lot of costs.
The certification body will (National Differences), product testing by the certification body in accordance with the appropriate national differences in standards IEC standards, as well as the target country you want to import the product announcement, so most of the applications were without CB additional testing.
Up to now a total of 43 CB Member States (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan , Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Courtenay Novgorod, Singapore, Slovakia, 斯洛法尼亚, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey , Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States). Among these are several important countries, such as Britain, Germany, the U.S., Japan, China, etc. are more than two NCB or accredited laboratory.
Verification bodies of the Member States are designated as NCB (National Certification Body). Countries around the world (non-member States also) of all electrical products manufacturer with their wishes or their agents may choose inspection bodies, certification bodies will assist the applicant to assess the most appropriate and most cost-effective of any country NCB raised when the first application, made a CB certificates and test reports, to raise all other countries apply a single country NCB verification eliminates duplicate testing. Not only saves time and cost, must apply separately to States not previously CB certification system, the test fails with exposure also reduced, so-called serve several purposes. It must be noted that, NCB covers countries that can test the standard range and its related products are different, the beginning of the application first queries made clear, in order to avoid wasting time.
Our Company's power adapters meet CB standard, please contact us.